• DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    This is often a test to put liberals through in order to let them show their true colors. Just ask them if everyone should get a house, no strings attached. Watch most of them say that some people just don't deserve shelter because they don't work as hard as I do!!!! The same can be applied to the question if income inequality should be drastically lowered. They'll apply the most classicist logic where they'll say that people currently working a lower paying job just don't deserve a pay raise because they are doing """"low skilled""" labor and that's why they deserve poverty.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Indeed, it's also worth noting how warped their extremist individualist ideology is. When faced with the problem of a person having terrible working conditions their solution is to say that the person should get better educated, find a better paying job, and so on. These are potential solutions for the individual that fail to address the root problem that the job exists in the first place and somebody will be forced to do it. Liberals don't see a problem with that.