is there any method to the madness? I stumbled upon some stuff and its horrifying, but could be understood from a very neutral perspective. Is it entirely full of racists and reactionaries?

    • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Are you referring to Thiel? It does show what accelerationist thought collapses into. I remember reading Nick Land's stuff way back in the day. It was mildly interesting but even then you could see that he was hovering on the precipice of becoming a complete maniac. His relatively recent stuff with that Moldbug character really proved how unhinged and fascist the whole ideology is.

      It reminds me of something akin to the telephone game where you send a message along and see how garble it comes out when it reaches the final person. How accelerationism is understood seems to have taken that route, from Marx and Lenin to the baguette thinkers like Delueze and co and then to someone like Nick Land, and finally you end up with Peter Thiel. Strange times we live in