Death to America

  • duderium [he/him]
    7 months ago

    It’s not as though the most powerful empire ever to exist (amerikkka) was actively destroying any movement that arose to accomplish this during the period you’ve mentioned. The CIA for instance openly admits to having coup’d Mossadegh (democratically elected by lib standards) after he dared to attempt to nationalize Iran’s oil. There are many other examples of the USA meddling in the region, for example the Iraq War which slaughtered a million people and which Biden voted for.

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      nerd You're 100% correct about what Amerikkka was doing with the CIA but Mossadegh is not the best specific example since that's Iran, and Iran is not an Arab country. it is Muslim, but not Arab. They don't speak Arabic, but Farsi. Iran is not considered part of the "Arab world" but it is considered part of the Middle East. These are often confused.

      Arab World (does not Include Iran)


      Middle East (does include Iran)




      Usually when people want to refer to the Arab World + Iran they say "MENA region" (Middle East North Africa)

        7 months ago

        I for one appreciate this lesson. I did not know this. Maybe vaguely. This is very clear, thanks.

      • iie [they/them, he/him]
        7 months ago

        Afghanistan does not appear in that middle east map, what region do we put Afghanistan in?

        • mar_k [he/him]
          7 months ago

          pretty much considered both South Asian and Central Asian. It's no more Middle Eastern than Turkmenistan or Pakistan


          The Middle East is basically just West Asia (sometimes known as South-West Asia) minus Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia and plus two transcontinental countries; Turkey (mostly in Asia except for East Thrace in Europe) and Egypt (mostly in Africa except for the Sinai Peninsula in Asia)