I have a load of gree tea that I need to drink and its the strong stuff.
Curious if anyone here drinks any kinds of tea and why?
My wife's English, and were enjoy a cup of tea when I get home from work. We take it with half and half and sugar, and we unload our day with each other until we're both smiling and having fun together.
It's damn near perfect.
I love hot chai tea with creamer. Better than coffee imo. I also make Jamaica with sugar. It is supposed to lower blood pressure.
I bought a tea set and tried to get into chinese tea and I hate it. The loose tea is good quality, the tea cups are excellent but even with sugar, I don't like it.
You rn
Chai tea in English refers to a generally similar blend of spiced tea. Stop pretending to be an idiot and not understanding that. You're not smarter than other people for knowing trivial information about the origin of an adopted word.
Green here 'cuz it tastes as good to me as I imagine that wine does to other people.. and the shades of flavour from the kick-ass 1st, 2nd, 3rd and the last ditch 4th waters are nice to compare too. Sometimes I oversteep the 1st water to get that kick in the teeth in the morning...sometimes I just let it mellow and drink the tasteless tired water...it's sorta fun if you ain't into alcohol or coffee :)
Pu'er is my favorite. Strong aromatic earthy flavors are my jam. Love the stuff
I love green tea. Have been drinking it for years.
Just don't fuck up the steeping time and temperature.
2 mins @ 80°C is what i mostly do.
Also some green teas are really grassy/fishy.
Took me a few tries to find one that tastes just nice.
Friends of mine used to make ramen noodles with tea instead of water. That's when I learned I didn't like tea or ramen.
Used to be addicted to only coffee but an Ireland trip introduced me to the idea of tea with milk.
Now it's coffee during working hours, Yorkshire tea with (vanilla soy) milk otherwise.Why?
I am addicted to coffein and really like the taste of (milky) tea
I can also justify my addiction with the various health benefits from both coffee and tea (which even complement each other a bit).I also have some green matcha tea occasionally, or a Matcha Latte, as I find the taste of matcha rather intriguing.