• UlyssesT [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Going to bat for "cracker" is really a bad fight for the left to pick.


    Tailism and concern trolling about not offending whitey is weak liberal shit.

    Are you even a leftist or do you just like le weed?

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Re-defining racism to mean structural racism and structural racism only is commandism, not tailism:

      Commandism is wrong in any type of work, because in overstepping the level of political consciousness of the masses and violating the principle of voluntary mass action it reflects the disease of impetuosity. Our comrades must not assume that everything they themselves understand is understood by the masses. Whether the masses understand it and are ready to take action can be discovered only by going into their midst and making investigations.

      If you "make investigations," you'll find that most people define racism as something like "prejudice or hate based on skin color." They would say, for instance, that a black American manager who gives their white employees all the shit assignments is racist in a similar way to a white manager who gives black employees shit assignments, even though the U.S. is overwhelmingly racist against black people.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        8 months ago

        You're being Reddit-tier pedantic to defend a "what about whitey getting offended" Reddit-tier position.

        Are you even a leftist, or do you just like le weed?

              • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
                8 months ago

                The vast majority of English speakers use "racism" to mean "prejudice or hate based on race," which covers a lot more ground than structural racism. There isn't a great reason to try and redefine racism to exclusively mean structural racism, either, because individual prejudice based on skin color is bad, too.

                When people see prejudice based on skin color, the response shouldn't be "whoa whoa whoa, maybe this is OK, depending on who has power here." The response should be that prejudice based on skin color is bad in any situation, but is especially harmful where the group exercising that prejudice has structural power to hurt the target group. Some types of prejudice being worse than others does not mean there is an excusable form of prejudice. It definitely doesn't mean that the less harmful forms aren't prejudice at all.

                You think its bad yet you aren't offended by it? How does that make sense? If its bad then you really should find it offensive.

                • Mokey [none/use name]
                  8 months ago

                  Hes saying that most people arent going to be super hip on whiteness, white skin and all the difference between terminology and if you call someone whos not already inoculated in that kind of thinking theyre going to just assume youre a weird blue haired college kid racist.

                  It's a losing battle and especially rings a weird way when its very white people engaging in this kind of rhetoric

                  Like who are you calling a cracker your parent sent you to a montessori school and you didnt pay for college

                  • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
                    8 months ago

                    It's a losing battle and especially rings a weird way when its very white people engaging in this kind of rhetoric

                    You are right about one thing, very white people are indeed engaging in this argument. It would not be an argument otherwise.

                    Like who are you calling a cracker your parent sent you to a montessori school and you didnt pay for college

                    You should take your own advise and stop engaging in this argument. Especially after posting this. cringe

          • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
            8 months ago

            No removed ever called me Cracker! - redditor on why they are dodging the 2028 Sino-American war draft

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            8 months ago

            Quoting Mao = reddit tier, got it

            Cherrypicking Mao so you can keep being mad at people saying cracker is Reddit tier. anti-cracker-aktion farquaad-point

      • Tachanka [comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        Re-defining racism to mean structural racism and structural racism

        It always meant structural racism. Just because colloquially people confused it with "some of my best friends are X" liberal colorblindness and "I'm totally not personally prejudiced/bigoted therefore it doesn't matter that I benefit from structural racism" was a matter of reactionary miseducation.