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Nearly 900,000 Americans sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner this week will have unions – and the double-digit pay increases they won – to thank.

That’s how many unionized workers have won immediate pay hikes of 10% or more in just the last year, according to an analysis by CNN.

And the pace of increases of that size have been picking up. More than 700,000 of those workers won pay hikes over the course of the last six months, and of that group, nearly 300,000 saw deals reached in just the last six weeks.

“I would say this is the best run of wage increases won by labor since the period right after the end of World War II,” said Art Wheaton, director of labor studies at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations in Buffalo.

    7 months ago

    In 1980 Ronald Reagan ran as a 'Union President' based on his time as head of the Screen Actors' Guild. One of his first acts as President was firing all the air traffic controllers when they went on strike. Reagan and the GOP hated Unions, if for no other reason than most Unions backed the Dems.