When constructing an app’s user interface (UI), the choice of framework is incredibly important. The right UI framework can make an app feel smooth, responsive, even delightful, while a UI framework that doesn’t match an app’s needs can make it feel sluggish and broken. This principle extends to developer experience as well; a UI framework with well-designed APIs can enable engineers to express themselves fluently, efficiently, and correctly, while one with the wrong abstractions or inconsistent APIs can make engineers’ jobs more difficult by slowing them down with unnecessary complexity.

At Airbnb, we want our mobile apps to provide a world-class user experience and a world-class developer experience. This desire led us to build our own UI framework named Epoxy in 2016. Epoxy is a declarative UI framework, which means that engineers describe what their UI should be structured like for a given screen state and the framework then figures out how to make updates to the view hierarchy to render the screen contents. Epoxy uses UIKit under the hood to render views.

The iOS UI framework landscape shifted in 2019 with the introduction of SwiftUI, a first-party declarative UI framework that accomplishes many of the same goals as Epoxy. Although SwiftUI was not a good fit for our needs during its first three years, by 2022 it offered increased stability and API availability. It was around this time that we started to consider adopting SwiftUI at Airbnb.

In my own experience rewriting a UIKit app to SwiftUI I would say that we realized a 3x code reduction. It isn't a perfect measurement because there are functionality changes from the old code and new.