CW and Joseph Armenaio once again return to guide us through the fascinating world of development that is happening on the Ergo platform. As always, updates come from ergo core team as well as independent devs.

[apologies for low resolution video - it was a mistake that happened during recording. normal service will be resumed next time]

00:00 Intro 03:29 Luivatra - Paideia Beta, Crux Finance 05:48 Kushti - Protocol and node: P2P layer improvements, 5.0.14, Dexy 07:04 greenhat - ErgoTree eval error revamp 08:00 koutelier - Comet 09:00 Glasgow - one-pager intro for Ergo developers 10:09 AcoSmrkas - ergexplorer 10:22 TabbyPOS 10:41 capt_nemo - FleetSDK, ergomatic, ergo-graphql 13:21 Aberg - Ergonnection (P2P node communication library) 13:39 mhs_sam - Rosen Bridge 14:10 c8 - Bitmasks 14:24 Pragmaxim - uexplorer rest-api 14:53 morpic - Sigma, Ergo, misc 15:19 ykristian - Indonesian Translation 15:50 deathgripson - Analog Ergo 16:02 LiquidPhase - THz.FM 16:55 Quokka - duckpools 17:14 ykristian - more 17:40 Closing comments