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  • biden [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Many Jews marrying out helps Jews to die out. It also means going along with self-hatred as if anything non-Jewish would give a personal safe passage out of the Antisemitic danger zone. European and Arab Jews marrying each other is enough marrying out already.


    10 months ago

    Zionism is an ideology based on divine-given racial supremacy.

    When the Palestinian uprising began and I tried to explain to people how oppressive Israel has been to Palestinians, how fascist it is as a state, and how everything it says is a lie, they were looking at me dumbfounded. Now they are coming back telling me "You might have been right".

    But the Zionists can't help themselves. They live in a bubble and to them this kind of rhetoric is par for the course. They expose their scumminess daily, on a massive scale. And incredibly, even that's barely not enough for most people to stop supporting Israel in this conflict.

    10 months ago

    G‐d, what a horribly incoherent article. It reads like a neofascist in one of his mask‐on moments, making flimsy appeals to left‐wing causes while simultaneously promoting right‐wing ones and falsely equating the two. That’s a typical consequence of being petty bourgeois: caught between the proletariat and the haute bourgeoisie, you can’t help but vacillate.

    I have to admit, though, I couldn’t help but chuckle at this comment:

    What a great article! And so well put. I will show it to all my gentile friends so they can finally understand My Struggle.

    (I might have chuckled for the wrong reason given that ‘Goldwitzstein’ sounds like a right‐wing troll, but oh well.)

    10 months ago

    Well, if you don't uphold white supremacy you are called anti-white so I guess we know about that trope. Except what's really disgusting is that antisemitism is an actual problem being weaponized by settlers while anti-whiteness has a death toll near zero

  • mar_k [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Call us the divinely appointed Herrenrasse or you're a nazi fucking bigot

      10 months ago

      Judaism does not prohibit writing the Name of God per se; it prohibits only erasing or defacing a Name of God. However, observant Jews avoid writing any Name of God casually because of the risk that the written Name might later be defaced, obliterated or destroyed accidentally or by one who does not know better. Observant Jews avoid writing a Name of God on web sites like this one because there is a risk that someone else will print it out and deface it. To avoid writing the Name, Orthodox Jews (and sometimes other denominations) substitute letters or syllables, for example, writing "G-d" instead of "God."


      It is worth emphasizing that not all Judaists see this custom as necessary; some think that this should only apply to the Hebrew word and not translations.

    10 months ago

    sure tell me more about why the guy in front of me buying kosher meatballs from Lidl at 10pm is part of some supernatural coven on a vague collective mission to lead humanity, that doesn't sound sus at all

    10 months ago

    They keep saying the quiet part out loud and it keeps not mattering to a significant part of the population because they are racist. It has nothing to do with ignorance. At this point how ignorant can one be?

    10 months ago

    Oh goddamnit! I made it 22 fucking hours today without hearing any stupid political takes. I was so close, I figured making it past Thanksgiving dinner would put me in the clear smh. Screw Thank you for making me see this lmfao