Alright, so some backstory. I'm 20 y/o and I live in a rural area. As the title says, I've been stuck at home for some time now. Mostly due to issues related to poverty. I have no money outside of some physical cash that I can't use because I can't go anywhere. Which leads me into the fact that I have no transportation outside of a family vehicle that would be too risky for me to drive because I have no insurance. My brothers have vehicles and insurance and they get to go places themselves. My older brother goes to college and leaves regularly as well as to go grocery shopping for us. He also has friends that he goes to visit, leaving me home alone with our mom. My younger brother is a high school dropout who has a job resulting in him being out most of the time, as well as having many friends who he spends the night with sometimes. Over the years he's mostly gotten what he wants by being a brat and complaining until he gets it. Which I have never been able to do due to having Asperger's and having social anxiety and literally not being able to bargain for what I want. I should talk about my mom briefly as well. She has MS and is incapable of working and is confined to a wheelchair. She's basically stuck at home like I am and doesn't go anywhere aside from when she has to go to the doctor every month or so. We live off of welfare for the most part. She's basically dying at this point and is bedridden. Which leaves me wondering what we'll do when she finally passes. As I mentioned earlier, I'm on the spectrum as well as my older brother. When she passes I fear we'll be either left out to dry or made the victims of some parasitic landlord or government worker. I have virtually no life experience or ability to deal with other people, so my destiny is pretty much out of my hands currently. My life goal is currently to become an organizer and basically to dedicate myself to the class struggle. But I have little way to do so offline. So the point is, does anyone have any advice or resources that can help me with my situation? I'm open to any suggestions. Optionally I'm also open to any mutual aid, however for me that's a last resort. Thank you very much, comrades.

EDIT: thank you all for the replies; a lot of good advice

  • dapranker [he/him]
    3 years ago

    With your mom's issues, look into seeing if your state has any kind of paid caretaking system, I know it at least exists in california, someone I know gets a small amount to basically be the full time caretaker for their grandparents. Could at least get you some savings to address some of the other issues like transportation