I have installed nimdow window manager. I have auto-login enabled. Nimdow is the default option. The only options I have at boot are (from the bootloader): default, timeout, edit, resolution, print and help (help is not working). How am I supposed to go back to GNOME or disable auto-login? I tried accessing the recovery shell, but I can't access it by spamming escape. Someone PLEASE help. Google Bard is useless.
If the computer boots but you can't access a GUI, use Ctrl+Alt+F3 to open a console. From there you can use nano to edit the login manager configuration. If you had GNOME installed, your login manager is probably GDM, and its config should be at /etc/gdm/daemon.conf, according to the manual. If that is the case, it looks like you should erase the username under the entry "AutomaticLogin=".
Thank you! The Linux community is the best! I will not regret switching to Linux
I don't mind leaning on a community that helps me within 15 minutes of making a post and is just generally so helpful
Ctrl+alt+f3 put in your user and password and remove the window manager or install some other one until you fix it.
What greeter are you using? GDM? You can disable auto login from the command line.
Assuming gdm, as root edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf and set AutomaticLoginEnable=False.
You are probably gonna want to chroot into your laptop using a livecd for linux. This will allow you to basically access your terminal without being able to login or boot, and then you can uninstall Nimdow, or turn off auto-login.
Some guides to chrooting.