Sailor Shrek Venus, Sailor Shrek Mercury, Sailor Shrek Mars, Sailor Shrek Jupiter and Sailor Shrek Moon are far from the only shrek sailors, but they are the most well known; their crews are generally the most vocal and passionate. But many would, even to this day, argue that Sailor Shrek Venus was the first to fully unleash their inner starseed power.

Sailor Shrek Venus was a hot piece, to be sure: a giant of a shrek with a mighty shrek beard, whose gift for the written word was almost as prodigious as their shrektastic video gaming skills. Sailor Shrek Venus did not work alone; they collaborated most closely with a donkey named Artemis, whom they rescued from the deep darkness of the Dark Shrek Kingdom (important sidenote: shreks can take many forms; sometimes they present as donkeys or cats or other magical beings). Shrek Venus themself was a refugee from the Dark Shrek Kingdom, and their journey to the Kingdom of the Shrek Moon was long and perilous. It was probably this journey that gave Sailor Shrek Venus the understanding of how the opposing galactic forces duel and thus how, practically speaking, the Kingdom of the Shrek Moon could win out over darkness.

Shrek Venus used their starseed to create a map of the universe, allowing millions to brave their own independent voyages out from the bowels of the Dark Shrek Kingdom--perilous voyages, to be sure, but possible voyages. And they went tete-a-tete with another powerful shrek: Sailor Shrek Mercury.