Liberals whenever you mention the civilians murdered under their regimes.

    7 months ago

    Soon it'll be the settlers getting extrajudicially murdered by their own government, and I won't give a fuck when it starts happening. "Oh, a suburban neighborhood full of peckerwoods got sent up by a Javelin? dgaf; they're posthumous combatants."

      7 months ago

      "They were stockpiling weapons" "They were criminals" "They probably did something to deserve it" etc. I'm sure you've heard it all before sadly. I have no idea how the hwites over there will react to finding out their government doesn't actually give a shit if they live or die.

    • NotErisma
      7 months ago

      deleted by creator

      7 months ago

      Plans for that already exist. In case of uprisings in the US, the respective cities will be isolated, electricity, internet, water cut and then the army goes in. Expect many massacres when the the US internal stability goes the way of the Dodo.