Hi everyone! First of all, anyone who responded to my job seeking post that I've not responded to, I'm sorry. Life has been crazy, mostly in a good way. My hard work is being recognized and I'm looking at a transfer to a new department around the New Year and already being I guess groomed (what's a better word that sucks less?) for a future assistant manager position in said department. So I've decided to pivot. I'm saying yes to anything that's legal and pays my bills and this is the path. Never thought this would be my path but I'll take them lifeline. I think I can get back to my old income within a year.

All that said, none of that has shown in my bank account yet. I've secured money for rent and should be solid by January. For the moment though, could someone spot me 15 to pick up some bread and lunch meat after work? That's two loaves of bread (sale) and the sub kits from the store. It'll feed me til Tuesday when I get paid again.

Thanks in advance, comrades. I'm almost clear and I'll be back to give others money!

Edit: I'm all set. Spread the love, my friends!

  • isame [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Taken care of with exuberance! Thanks to that friend and you all!