Recently I decided to build a Stable near my base, I wasn't really planning on doing it but I recently found and tamed a donkey so I felt like I probably needed one.

While thinking of what blocks I should use I decided to try out using the new Mud Bricks for the bottom floor which I think turned out very nice, and also gave me an excuse to use the wheat I'd been hoarding up to now.

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The entrance, I added my banners on the sides and a Sign up top, unfortunately hanging signs are shorter than the regular ones so my name woundn't fit there in full.

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On the first floor I obviously have the stables where I can put my horses, donkeys, or mules (If I get one of those). Nothing too fancy, I might add cauldrons and bales of hay later but for now there's not much here. Up the ladder is the second floor.

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On the second floor is the hay loft, this area is mostly decorative but I may use the wheat stored up here in the form of hay bales in future projects. I also have a bed up here for setting my spawn and :home location here if needed. I also have a few barrels up here for decoration but also to act as storage for miscellaneous items.

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The back side of the building.

On the top of the barn I decided to put a rooftop terrace because the roof was very flat and I thought it would be cool to add up there and I thought it would look better than just having an area slabbed with dark oak.