I posted that one comment from another thread on lemmygrad on the reddit thread, an analysis of why China is socialist. I'll put it in the comments.

  • Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    All you gotta do is ask an anarchist how they would protect their revolution once they've overthrown the capitalist regime. And if they are unwilling to admit that whatever state experiment they've constructed is in fact a state, then they're not worth discussing with anymore.

    • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      How this convo usually goes:

      A: "Its not a STATE!!! Its an autonomous federated syndicated collective for mutual ...." [goes on for 10 minutes]

      M: Okay, then what prevents literally anyone (other anarchists especially) from calling your "collective" a state, and you an authoritarian redfash tankie?

      A: "SHUT UP"

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      7 months ago

      They'll say they don't need to because they'll have the Perfect Riot that makes everyone be on their side. Then we can have no states or corporations but the idea of both really fresh in everyone's mind and no centralized authority to stop anyone from practicing it even more brutally than before. To be an anarchist under capitalism is to be an anarcho capitalist whether you like it or not.