There are only so many more braindead, agenda-fueled smug remarks I can deal with at this point and I've lost all hope of changing most of these people. Just this evening I commented a one sentence defense of China's foreign policy on reddit only to get every single one of my comments from the past week bombarded by a guy spamming Taiwan emojis and calling me a "CCP slave girl who should go to the Xinjiang rape camps". It's tiring

    2 years ago

    If anything, it’s more worthwhile to engage with theory noobs vaguely sympathetic to communism than it is to waste time on confirmed anticommunists. Usually when the latter try to ‘debate’ with me, I reply with ‘Good point. You really showed me how wrong I was. I wish that I were as smart as you.’ which is my more polite alternative to saying ‘fuck off’. Any debate where somebody’s goal is ‘winning’ is not a debate worth having.

    Now theory noobs, on the other hand, those people are worth engaging. Judging by their futile arguments with capitalist apologists, they’re already more‐or‐less sympathetic to communism, or at least ‘the idea of it’, so the door’s unlocked for you. The problem is that their politics are very undeveloped: they can’t explain why the people’s republics resorted to ‘authoritarian’ measures, or how they were better than the anticommunist régimes that preceded them, or even why they existed at all, so they resort to crude shortcuts like ‘well, those states weren’t socialist’ (which may indeed be true, but it’s a dull counterargument that gets us nowhere).

    That’s where you can come in. Politely correcting them or expanding on their points is going to develop them more than any argument with a capitalist apologist ever could. More than likely, you’ll be introducing brand new information to these people, and that will hold their interest. I vaguely remember (possibly misinterpreted) a documentary that discussed Imperial Russia and hyperinflation. When I learned about the defects of Imperial Russia, the turn to Bolshevism was suddenly much easier to understand, even if I still didn’t quite agree with it.

    Act natural. Don’t overwhelm them with too many resources (link spam) or paragraphs at once. If they ask why you approached them and not the anticommunists that they were trying to debate, you can reply with ‘Because I know that you’ll listen.’

    2 years ago

    Reddit, Twitter, Facebook ect are completely lost causes as far as I’m concerned. Those platforms are completely under the grip of US security, its only a matter of time before any communist discourse is banned from them completely.

    In terms of arguing with liberals I feel like it’s important to pick and choose when. Any of my close friends or family for example I will aggressively combat any liberal nonsense coming out of their mouths because I care about these people on a personal level. Reactionaries in my community or even worse, reactionary strangers on the internet, are likely not worth my time because they won’t even try to listen or consider alternative perspectives.

      2 years ago

      yep. everything with an "algorithm" is code word for controlled alienation echo chamber. it is pointless to engage in those platforms. all you do is waste your time. post your mao quotes, your friends will only see your weding pictures and ads for the latest handgun.

      only way to engage liberals is to compromise. we need a post modern version of social democracy, which was the first compromise but is already too left since the "left" party is way to the rigth everywhere