• ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I’m just attaching relevant sources. There are plenty of news agencies talking about this. The New York Times is a lib source of course.

    Is Al-Jezera better? There you go:


      • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        You’re right 😂

        Imperialism and annexation is good when Venezuela does it!

        Also your sources are god awful. They exclude a massive amount of information and hyperfocus on bizarre tangents.

        Again, the security council unanimously gave their response. Are you saying China and Russia are wrong?

        • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          Imperialism and annexation is good when Venezuela does it!

          Don't make me tap the sign.


          Are you saying China and Russia are wrong?

          They've been wrong before. They've been wrong recently. This is a national question regarding Venezuelan sovereignty. It is not China or Russia or any other global power's business. The UNSC sanctions the shit out of the DPRK for having the audacity to protect themselves, for one example.

          • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
            7 months ago

            Are Castro and Chavez also wrong in this case? I’m taking the same stance that Chavez took when he rescinded the claim. I’m sure you’re right though; Venezuela annexing it’s neighbor for money and resources is a wonderful idea.

            Are you also saying that countries cannot be locally imperialist to their neighbors through expansionary polices? You don’t have to the the second coming of the British Empire.

            • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
              7 months ago

              Tell me with the straight face that the motivation for this is not money, resources, and capital. Through the means of militarily annexing a neighboring country.

              You can still be a local imperialist if you yourself are oppressed. Is Venezuela not taking an expansionary stance through economic and military means to increase their regional power and resource control?

              • Rafidhi [her/هي]@lemmygrad.ml
                7 months ago

                Guyana is the aggressor because it is being used as an instrument of the United States and US capital to attack Venezuela. (edit I originally wrote Guyana twice)

                ExxonMobil is paying their bills

                US SOUTHCOM cooperating closely with fake Guyanaese president comprador sellout

                So do me a favor

                Read an article about how imperialism actually works maybe.

                Or learn about the actual history of Essequibo maybe.

                Or just follow the guidance of Mao Zedong that those who have done no investigation have no right to speak.

                • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
                  7 months ago

                  “Exxon is paying their bills?”

                  The entire source is the Venezuelan Interior Minister. I wonder why he would an incentive to claim that? Why was that claim thrown out by the UN court? That is currently headed by judges from Brazil, China, Russia, Uganda, Morocco, Jamaica, Lebanon, Japan, Germany, and Australia.

                  Are you saying that those judges from countries aligned against the US are all biased against Venezuela?

                  “SouthCOM cooperating closely”

                  You’re serious right? 😭 The Guyanese ambassador met with them… once. They didn’t even come to any agreements or announcements. It was a formality. That’s the entire point of diplomacy.

                  You’re stretching hard to try and justify this; and every lie takes 10 times the effort to disprove. Keep trying to justify annexing a sovereign nation.

                  I to can also link random articles to local imperialism, would you like me too?

                  No investigation, no right to speak? How about you keep lying out of your teeth. I think Mao was quite against that too.

                    • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
                      7 months ago

                      You’re the one who commented to me initially. Why did you if you don’t want to argue? Your first comment was pretty confrontational on top of that, what did you expect would happen?

                      So I think I’ll pass. Thanks for the offer.