Y'all are trans, and I know how much you trans Zoomers code (no idea if that's a Linux thing or not tho), so I thought I might try Hexbear for some tech help. I'm fried, I've watched so damn many tutorials and read so many threads on this but I can't seem to work it out. I barely know a few basic commands in the console, and the alphabet soup of different directories, programs, and the very language that's used to discuss Linux is too much for me to process. I've learned a lot, but I need some help.

I've built a pretty nice server that's not doing much right now besides NAS storage. I'm running a TrueNAS scale VM on Proxmox, I'm filling it up with all my pirate booty, and I want to watch it through Jellyfin, which I have installed to an LXC container (unprivileged for security, tried it both ways and I can't get it). The problem is, how do I get jelly to see the NAS drive? I don't know how to map it one way or another. I'm running the storage through an HBA in ZFS mirror with an SMB data set that I can see just fine and access in Windows, but jelly seems to just be stuck in it's own little world.

I've seen things about creating users within jelly, which I tried, and it just tells me that the user I supposedly created with SMB credentials doesn't exist. Tried using the GUI to find the NAS via IP, no dice. I'm fucking tired, I've been at it for a week or so now, I just want to watch a movie this weekend.

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    Hi! Hopefully I can make some things make more sense.

    What is BSD?

    Ah well I thought you were using TrueNAS Core which is based on FreeBSD rather than Linux. TrueNAS Scale is Linux though so nevermind!

    What is qemu? What is cloud-init and what does being upstream mean?

    These are just some lower-level tools that Proxmox is using to run VMs. qemu manages the virtual machines and cloud-init is a standardized configuration system for setting up VMs when they boot up. When you look at a VM's settings in proxmox, under the hood some of them are qemu settings and cloud-init settings. Number of cores is a qemu thing. Virtualized Ethernet card settings are a cloud-init thing. I'm only mentioning this because if proxmox things aren't making sense you might want to play around with these tools more directly until they make sense. Proxmox doesn't really make them easier to understand, just easier to discover and set in one interface.

    Wut? I don't really know what NFS is, that's like a file sharing protocol like SMB? I'm pretty sure I want to stick with SMB for ease of use from my windows based clients. Is there a more layman's term for volume/dataset?

    SMB could work just fine! I just default to NFS when all I want is to share a directory between Linux systems. I just mean "share" when I say volume or dataset in terms of these two tools.

    I don't know how to actually change settings to subnet and or assign static IPs. I'm running DD-WRT on my router that is set as my gateway and I have DHCP on.

    It'll be way easier to with with the lxc containers and VMs if they have static IPs, so definitely prioritize this! There are two perfectly valid ways to do this:

    1. Tell DD-WRT's DHCP server to only assign IPs to a limited range, leaving the rest for you to statically assign at the level of each lxc container or VM. For example, if you tell the DHCP server to only assign for address and up, you could have a container configure itself statically at and a VM could configure itself at say I prefer this method because it means I need to do less network fiddling at the level of a router.
    2. Configure the DHCP server on the router to assign your lxc containers and VMs to static IPs. They'll automatically get the right IPs. They're recognized via MAC address so you'd want to verify that your lxc containers and VMs have unique ones for the virtual network cards.

    I use different software than dd-wrt (I use used low power enterprise stuff) so I don't know the exact way to do these in its settings, but it should be able to do either.

    I also don't know how to check if they're on the same LAN CIDR (what is that btw?).

    I really just mean subnet. CIDR is a way of describing IP ranges, doesn't really matter except I think proxmox might want you to use CIDR notation sometimes when doing some network configuration?

    Basically your lxc containers / VMs have network settings somewhere on the proxmox web interface. Maybe under hardware? If you click to configure one of them, it'll pop up a dialog that will let you manually specify a static IP, gateway, and netmask. The static IP is an IP on your LAN. The gateway is the address of your router (like The netmask is almost always You might have to use CIDR notation for the static IP - I forget whether it's at this step or when installing proxmox itself. You'll know because it will raise a little input error warning that says your static IP setting is invalid. Slap a /24 on the end and it'll go away. Like

    How, where?

    It depends on how you installed and configured Jellyfin. You may be able to use the admin dashboard built into jellyfin.

    I think you're saying don't install jellyfin on the share drive?

    Jellyfin stores a lot of settings and data in an SQLite database, which is just a file in the jellyfin config directory. You'll be able to avoid an entire category of ways that database can get corrupted if you don't put it on a network share.

    Sounds like a nice feature... would I scrap SMB for iSCSI?

    iSCSI is a bit more challenging to use than smb. It's very good at what it does but if you can make smb work then I'd stick with that. But if you ever get an itch to try something different, including providing other kinds of shared storage for VMs, look into iSCSI.