• comhelio@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Palestinians are left to die since 1948. Not one country in the UN took a serious decision on Palestine . USSR sided with the zionists in 1948 . And the whole Arab world betrayed Palestine after 1967 and 70s starting with the death of Nasser. Iran said much about redlines and provided arms but in deeds they are still weak geopolitically . 16K dead and 1.7 millions are currently homeless . Muslims of the arab world need to wake up fast , throw out your monarchy and idiotic theocratic based parties ..

    • neeshie@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Literally only the houthis and to an extent Hezbollah are trying to help the Palestinians. It's depressing how everyone else is just a US client state.

      • comhelio@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        Shia world has some courage against US and the West due to Iranian position. Rest except Qatar is history. Qatar trained and helped Hamas due to muslim brotherhood connection.