• SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    It’s literally bonkers. They showed “footage” of this peeling process of women sitting on the floor peeling the garlic with their teeth, supposedly as it’s not confirmed that’s what they were doing. It’s not good footage and it’s clearly bullshit. Why the hell would one of the most technologically advanced nations peel garlic this way when we have better methods? I can peel garlic at home by shoving the cloves in a container, shaking it around a bit, and suddenly it’s peeled. Hell, even putting the cloves in hot water helps peel. It’s just turbo racism.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Sure they have some of the most complicated and refined recipes in the world, including spices that would literally put these chuds in the hospital, but the technique to peel garlic has somehow evaded them.