Sorry for the image from 538 :natebronze:

I know the IOC is awful, but let's say the Olympics are held in Athens every year and everyone needs to take trains to get there. Team USA can ride on an empty cargo ship returning to China and take trains from there.

I think lacrosse should be included again, and the indigenous peoples of the Americas should represent themselves so they can embarrass the ivy league Team USA lacrosse team.

  • medium_adult_son [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Those would be great sports to add. I like the idea of regulation burlap sacks.

    There have been some deaths in tug-of-wars, but I think it was due to the rope snapping. The human pyramids they do in Catalonia or India are another dangerous option.

    I agree money has ruined them - wrestling was almost removed, but that's never considered for equestrian sports.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      3 years ago

      If you're going to have equestrian sports, at least bring back the one where you had to run through an obstacle course, shoot some targets, and then cut the heads off of dummys at speed with a saber. I would watch the shit out of that, like the long distance skiing/sniping one.