This is a repost from the matrix & mastodon channel. My account was banned on the platform “” without any explanation & indefinitely after not using it for 1 or 2 days, here's my profile “”.

How can this be undone?


    10 months ago

    Here's the reason why you were banned (open this on a browser).

    You're spreading a bunch of low-grade conspiracy nonsense related to climate geo-engineering - something about chemtrail (this is the first time I am hearing about this weird conspiracy, so I do not know the exact depth and width of what other nonsense you might believe in).

    Any mod would want to do their due diligence to not make their users look like a bunch of lunatics. In my opinion, they have done their job properly. Misinformation is at it's highest, you need to learn to verify your sources first.

    You can appeal for an account restoration in the Matrix server, but is it worth the effort? Just make a new account, and don't repeat the conspiracy shenanigans.

  • Amerikan
    10 months ago

    Your best bet is just making a new account and integrating better. We don't do that 'chemtrail' shit.

    If you're actually based and comradely; and that chemtrail shit was just a badly-thought-out bit, then... That should be the end of it, and no one would ever know. If "right-conspiratorial" is how you actually are, it'll be sussed out and handled.