Something that changed how you cook, a tip most people don't know or something you discovered yourself. Or even something that you just think is cool.

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    7 months ago

    Get a kitchen scale. When baking, find recipes which go by mass, instead of volume. Shit like flour, brown sugar, bread crumbs, spices etc. have very inconsistent density. You constantly worry about whether or not a teaspoon is supposed to be heaping or flat, whether a cup of brown sugar is supposed to be loose or compressed. Fuck all of that shit. Do it by weight. It will come out perfect every time.

    • carpoftruth [any, any]
      7 months ago


      also it makes changing the amount of recipes much easier because you aren't trapped in the bullshit that is the culinary imperial system