:hexbear-retro: Time to organize, libs

We’re going to create a guide on how to start organizing by doing so as a group. We’ll use the experiences and questions of participants to form a living document (likely a wiki) that will bring people from start to finish on getting a community network up and running.

:arm-L: Challenge :arm-R:

Do at least one of the following by August 8th:

  • Search for existing org chapters in your area and contact one of their members expressing interest
  • Find to a single person you know who is politically aware and would dedicate a couple hours a week to organizing with you
  • Plan a small gathering of people where you can get together, eat, and pitch the idea of starting to organize

:what: How does this help?

With sufficiently large groups of people coordinating with each other, we can achieve large effects with relatively small individual actions. However, organizations will often be very small for extended periods of time and consist of people only donating a few hours a week of their time. If an organization already exists in your area, this work has been done for you and you should be thankful. Otherwise, an easy start is a good way to beat decision paralysis. “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

:gigachad: Goals

What goals do you have for organizing? Do you have a hard time understanding how organizing can help you accomplish those goals?

:blob-help: Barriers

Are you having trouble with this week’s challenge? Are you having trouble with other projects you have going on?

:picard-excited: Successes

People who are currently organizing, what successes have you had over the last week?

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    3 years ago

    get involved with your local GMB and uh, follow the politicking on Interwob, but try not to get too invested in it, because it is a shitshow.

    people don't like to admit it, but the IWW is still in a long slow recovery from its lowest period where it was less than a hundred people keeping the whole thing going, and the ballooning membership in the last few years has brought a lot of dysfunction that, imho, is best remedied by a more engaged membership with a narrower focus.