• porcupine@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Confronting your own internalized misogyny would be commendable if that's what you were doing. Blaming your internalized misogyny on an involuntary biological sexual response is not. Claiming that you can change your own sexual attraction but are somehow powerless over your own negative thoughts and actions toward women suggests a reactionary worldview that just straight up doesn't exist outside of religious bigotry. You did not arrive at this conclusion from reading Marx. Nobody else in history reached that conclusion from reading Marx, and you aren't somehow the first to divine it. You could only have arrived at this conclusion through adopting it in the only place it actually exists in the world (religious fundamentalism) and substituting terms in a way that you found aesthetically palatable.

    You've claimed in this thread that you believe you can choose to force yourself to be sexually attracted to men against your own will as a political act of defiance against internalized feelings of misogyny. Find me a single actually existing communist party or political grouping of queer people outside of fringe religious cases that take this position.

    This claim does nothing to address the root of your misogyny (your own beliefs and actions toward women) and instead adopts the extremely homophobic idea that queer people have been fighting against for longer than you've been alive: that they're simply choosing to be queer, and that they could just as easily choose not to be if they wanted to badly enough.

    If this is just a bizarre expression of you discovering a genuine attraction to men and struggling with reconciling your bisexuality with your sense of self then I wish you the best in working through it. If you think you can just adopt a marginalized identity without authentically feeling that way to avoid having to do the work of decoupling your misogyny from your attraction to women, then I again urge you to please talk to a mental health professional in real life about this. It doesn't do you or any potential partners any favors to be carrying around this sense of shame and resentment or to fake an attraction that you don't feel. Both are extremely shitty things to put on another person.

    • threebody [she/her]
      7 months ago

      Blaming your internalized misogyny on an involuntary biological sexual response is not

      There is no way you think Im saying that lmao

      You've claimed in this thread that you believe you can choose to force yourself to be sexually attracted to men against your own will as a political act of defiance against internalized feelings of misogyny.

      You might genuinely be illiterate.

      they're simply choosing to be queer, and that they could just as easily choose not to be if they wanted to badly enough.

      What does that even mean? And yes there are plenty of house queers who choose to be house queers instead of fighting for liberation, and society have accepted their assimilation.

      This claim does nothing to address the root of your misogyny (your own beliefs and actions toward women)

      I am completely fine in that regard thankfully, which is why I am even worrying about sexuality in the first place because I notice the dissonance that my sexuality causes in my mind

      Frankly, you are the one who exposed yourself as being a pathetic biological essentialist philistine who thinks sex has anything to do with biology. No wonder you are spewing vitriol at me