Also putting quotes around "indigenous" to imply there's no settler colonial relation

  • Editor
    7 months ago

    Don't get me wrong, I buy Morning Star often as it is an important paper as the only daily voice for Socialism in Britain, however this article is undoubtedly a reflection of the overall revisionist turn that has been repeatedly taken by the CPB(which has voiced support for 2-states) and the British left in a wider sense.

      7 months ago

      As i said, if they want to advocate for a "two state solution" they should at least do so with borders that make sense. Ultimately it won't make a difference because a "two state solution" is an impossibility as long as one of the two is driven by Zionist ideology. All that advocating for a "two state solution" and seeing it get trashed again and again by the Zionists does is convince the world that it is impossible to reason with these genocidal fanatics. At some point even the densest British revisionists should get this.

      In the meantime they should be focusing on what actually urgently needs to be done which is stopping the genocide and siege of Gaza, and ending the occupation of the West Bank (and of the Golan Heights!). How they managed to write a whole article about Palestine and not mention either of these things is beyond my comprehension. Speaking in the abstract about "peace and equality" is just not enough. Clearly they don't like the term indigenous but are British "socialists" now even too afraid to say the words apartheid and occupation?

      • Editor
        7 months ago

        British people seem incapable of reason at this point lol, I don't wanna live here anymore but I can't abandon my shared responsibility to fix this shitfuck of a nation.

        • Flyberius [comrade/them]
          7 months ago

          I don't wanna live here anymore but I can't abandon my shared responsibility to fix this shitfuck of a nation.

          Exactly my thoughts.

      7 months ago

      I think part of fixing the left in the UK is removing trots infulence from it by creating parrell sources of information and news.

      Trot outlets and the daily star often serve as curious leftists first entry into communist-adjacent politics, and they do a utter shit job of it everytime; from throwing trans people under the bus to spending there political energy and capital appealing to angry socialist boomers over the age of 60

      • Editor
        7 months ago

        Definitely agree - but I also think the British left should focus more on building class power in oppressed communities(in a geographical sense, but also focussing mainly on imperialised communities like racially oppressed people who are more likely to support Socialism than labour aristocrats) rather than trying to recruit university students and flogging any kind of newspaper or magazine or book in the city centre where mostly just well-off shoppers are found. The masses must be convinced to trust us - we cannot simply just expect them to listen just because it's in broadsheet print.

        Re-building communist power in unions is also important, as is trying to stop them from becoming increasingly establishmentarian.

          7 months ago

          Agreed on both points, it reminds me of a conversation I had with a trot org when I was trying to find a ML party to throw my political weight behind in the UK; I live in one of the most deprived areas, there idea of organizing was handing out there own newspaper in the deprived area, right outside a methadone clinic; the paper they wanted me to hand out was anti-china, anti-russia and anti-cuba confusingly.

          I suggested they focus on rent instead and didnt contact them again lol.