The main purpose of this post is to ask what type of content you like seeing around here or would like to start seeing.

The secondary purpose is to ask for help getting Hexbear watch parties off the ground.Some sports are difficult to find comrades to discuss/watch with, and sometimes its just nice to shoot the shit with a game on in the background. The existing Hextube site is upload only afaik, so getting a way to livestream stuff with a comments section that's just us is more of a long-term goal. In the short-term I want to get set up viewings for prerecorded all time greats.

The Soviets excelled at sport, so lets excel at sportsposting!


Edit: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday are available as options for the day.

  • oktherebuddy
    9 months ago

    I pretty much only follow the UFC but all online UFC communities are unbelievable trash. It's like right wing manchild central.

    • Vampire [any]M
      9 months ago

      Surely this is "our guy" in UFC

      • oktherebuddy
        9 months ago

        oh for sure even though his striking technique is absolutely terrible

    • Vampire [any]M
      9 months ago

      Who's gonna win Pimblett-Ferguson?

      • oktherebuddy
        9 months ago

        Oh gosh it's a tossup. I guess Pimblett, which would be sad, but Tony really needs to retire.