Day 12: Hot Springs

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • Code block support is not fully rolled out yet but likely will be in the middle of the event. Try to share solutions as both code blocks and using something such as , pastebin, or github (code blocks to future proof it for when 0.19 comes out and since code blocks currently function in some apps and some instances as well if they are running a 0.19 beta)


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  • Is there a leaderboard for the community?: We have a leaderboard with the info on how to join in this post:

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    7 months ago


    def countDyn(a: List[Char], b: List[Int]): Long =
        // Simple dynamic programming approach
        // We fill a table T, where
        //  T[ ai, bi ] -> number of ways to place b[bi..] in a[ai..]
        //  T[ ai, bi ] = 0 if an-ai >= b[bi..].sum + bn-bi
        //  T[ ai, bi ] = 1 if bi == b.size - 1 && ai == a.size - b[bi] - 1
        //  T[ ai, bi ] = 
        //   (place) T [ ai + b[bi], bi + 1]   if ? or # 
        //   (skip)  T [ ai + 1, bi ]          if ? or .
        def t(ai: Int, bi: Int, tbl: Map[(Int, Int), Long]): Long =
            if ai >= a.size then
                if bi >= b.size then 1L else 0L 
                val place = Option.when(
                    bi < b.size && // need to have piece left
                    ai + b(bi) <= a.size && // piece needs to fit
                    a.slice(ai, ai + b(bi)).forall(_ != '.') && // must be able to put piece there
                    (ai + b(bi) == a.size || a(ai + b(bi)) != '#') // piece needs to actually end
                )((ai + b(bi) + 1, bi + 1)).flatMap(tbl.get).getOrElse(0L)
                val skip = Option.when(a(ai) != '#')((ai + 1, bi)).flatMap(tbl.get).getOrElse(0L)
                place + skip
        @tailrec def go(ai: Int, tbl: Map[(Int, Int), Long]): Long =
            if ai == 0 then t(ai, 0, tbl) else go(ai - 1, tbl ++ => (ai, bi) -> t(ai, bi, tbl)).toMap)
        go(a.indices.inclusive.last + 1, Map())
    def countLinePossibilities(repeat: Int)(a: String): Long =
        a match
            case s"$pattern $counts" => 
                val p2 = List.fill(repeat)(pattern).mkString("?")
                val c2 = List.fill(repeat)(counts).mkString(",")
                countDyn(p2.toList, c2.split(",").map(_.toInt).toList)
            case _ => 0L
    def task1(a: List[String]): Long =
    def task2(a: List[String]): Long =

    (Edit: fixed mangling of &<)

    7 months ago


    Also on Github.

    Let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

    import dataclasses
    import functools
    from .solver import Solver
    class MatchState:
    class NotMatching(MatchState):
    class Matching(MatchState):
      current_length: int
      desired_length: int
    def _match_one_template(template: str, groups: tuple[int, ...]) -> int:
      if not groups:
        if '#' in template:
          return 0
          return 1
      state: MatchState = NotMatching()
      remaining_groups: list[int] = list(groups)
      options_in_other_branches: int = 0
      for i in range(len(template)):
        match (state, template[i]):
          case (NotMatching(), '.'):
          case (NotMatching(), '?'):
            options_in_other_branches += _match_one_template(template[i+1:], tuple(remaining_groups))
            if not remaining_groups:
              return options_in_other_branches
            group, *remaining_groups = remaining_groups
            state = Matching(1, group)
          case (NotMatching(), '#'):
            if not remaining_groups:
              return options_in_other_branches
            group, *remaining_groups = remaining_groups
            state = Matching(1, group)
          case (Matching(current_length, desired_length), '.') if current_length == desired_length:
            state = NotMatching()
          case (Matching(current_length, desired_length), '.') if current_length &lt; desired_length:
            return options_in_other_branches
          case (Matching(current_length, desired_length), '?') if current_length == desired_length:
            state = NotMatching()
          case (Matching(current_length, desired_length), '?') if current_length &lt; desired_length:
            state = Matching(current_length + 1, desired_length)
          case (Matching(current_length, desired_length), '#') if current_length &lt; desired_length:
            state = Matching(current_length + 1, desired_length)
          case (Matching(current_length, desired_length), '#') if current_length == desired_length:
            return options_in_other_branches
          case _:
            raise RuntimeError(f'unexpected {state=} with {template=} position {i} and {remaining_groups=}')
      match state, remaining_groups:
        case NotMatching(), []:
          return options_in_other_branches + 1
        case Matching(current, desired), [] if current == desired:
          return options_in_other_branches + 1
        case (NotMatching(), _) | (Matching(_, _), _):
          return options_in_other_branches
      raise RuntimeError(f'unexpected {state=} with {template=} at end of template and {remaining_groups=}')
    def _unfold(template: str, groups: tuple[int, ...]) -> tuple[str, tuple[int, ...]]:
      return '?'.join([template] * 5), groups * 5
    class Day12(Solver):
      def __init__(self):
        self.input: list[tuple[str, tuple[int]]] = []
      def presolve(self, input: str):
        lines = input.rstrip().split('\n')
        for line in lines:
          template, groups = line.split(' ')
          self.input.append((template, tuple(int(group) for group in groups.split(','))))
      def solve_first_star(self) -> int:
        return sum(_match_one_template(template, groups) for template, groups in self.input)
      def solve_second_star(self) -> int:
        return sum(_match_one_template(*_unfold(template, groups)) for template, groups in self.input)
    7 months ago


    That was something! I quickly settled on the main approach for part 1 but it took some unit testing to get it all right. Then part 2 had me stumped for a bit. It was clear some kind of pruning was necessary, possibly with memoization.

    Hashmaps are possible but annoying with C so I was happy to realise that, for my implementation, (num chars, num runs) is a suitable key within the context of a single recursive search. That space is small enough to index with an array 😁

  • Leo
    7 months ago


    Phew! I struggled with this one. A lot of the code here is from my original approach, which cuts down the search space to plausible positions for each group. Unfortunately, that was still way too slow...

    It took an embarrassingly long time to try memoizing the search (which made precomputing valid points far less important). Anyway, here it is!

    {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
    import Control.Monad
    import Control.Monad.State
    import Data.List
    import Data.List.Split
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import Data.Maybe
    readInput :: String -> ([Maybe Bool], [Int])
    readInput s =
      let [a, b] = words s
       in ( map (\case '#' -> Just True; '.' -> Just False; '?' -> Nothing) a,
            map read $ splitOn "," b
    arrangements :: ([Maybe Bool], [Int]) -> Int
    arrangements (pat, gs) = evalState (searchMemo 0 groups) Map.empty
        len = length pat
        groups = zipWith startPoints gs $ zip minStarts maxStarts
            minStarts = scanl (\a g -> a + g + 1) 0 $ init gs
            maxStarts = map (len -) $ scanr1 (\g a -> a + g + 1) gs
            startPoints g (a, b) =
              let ps = do
                    (i, pat') &lt;- zip [a .. b] $ tails $ drop a pat
                    guard $
                      all (\(p, x) -> maybe True (== x) p) $
                        zip pat' $
                          replicate g True ++ [False]
                    return i
               in (g, ps)
        clearableFrom i =
          fmap snd $
            listToMaybe $
              takeWhile ((&lt;= i) . fst) $
                dropWhile ((&lt; i) . snd) clearableRegions
            clearableRegions =
              let go i [] = []
                  go i pat =
                    let (a, a') = span (/= Just True) pat
                        (b, c) = span (== Just True) a'
                     in (i, i + length a - 1) : go (i + length a + length b) c
               in go 0 pat
        searchMemo :: Int -> [(Int, [Int])] -> State (Map (Int, Int) Int) Int
        searchMemo i gs = do
          let k = (i, length gs)
          cached &lt;- gets (Map.!? k)
          case cached of
            Just x -> return x
            Nothing -> do
              x &lt;- search i gs
              modify (Map.insert k x)
              return x
        search i gs | i >= len = return $ if null gs then 1 else 0
        search i [] = return $
          case clearableFrom i of
            Just b | b == len - 1 -> 1
            _ -> 0
        search i ((g, ps) : gs) = do
          let maxP = maybe i (1 +) $ clearableFrom i
              ps' = takeWhile (&lt;= maxP) $ dropWhile (&lt; i) ps
          sum &lt;$> mapM (\p -> let i' = p + g + 1 in searchMemo i' gs) ps'
    expand (pat, gs) =
      (intercalate [Nothing] $ replicate 5 pat, concat $ replicate 5 gs)
    main = do
      input &lt;- map readInput . lines &lt;$> readFile "input12"
      print $ sum $ map arrangements input
      print $ sum $ map (arrangements . expand) input