I was executed by mafia cause I lost some money despite not having shit. Anyway, instead of good old cement block into the foundation of skyscraper, they decided to tie me to chair with balloons to fly away. Logic being, who the fuck would pay attention to a dead guy fallen from a chair in the skies, either won’t be found or people will think “what an idiot”, no traces otherwise. I managed to tilt the chair to get out in the air, fallen into the foliage/trees, and woke up.
I was executed by mafia cause I lost some money despite not having shit. Anyway, instead of good old cement block into the foundation of skyscraper, they decided to tie me to chair with balloons to fly away. Logic being, who the fuck would pay attention to a dead guy fallen from a chair in the skies, either won’t be found or people will think “what an idiot”, no traces otherwise. I managed to tilt the chair to get out in the air, fallen into the foliage/trees, and woke up.
:think-about-it: ha, suck on this meatball brains!
Oh, it was high already, they gabaghouls won this round in my head, it was frosty kinda