Day 13: Point of Incidence

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • Code block support is not fully rolled out yet but likely will be in the middle of the event. Try to share solutions as both code blocks and using something such as , pastebin, or github (code blocks to future proof it for when 0.19 comes out and since code blocks currently function in some apps and some instances as well if they are running a 0.19 beta)


  • What is this?: Here is a post with a large amount of details:
  • Where do I participate?:
  • Is there a leaderboard for the community?: We have a leaderboard with the info on how to join in this post:

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🔓 Unlocked

    10 months ago


    Also on Github

    from .solver import Solver
    def is_mirrored_x(pattern: set[tuple[int, int]], max_x: int, max_y: int,
                      x_mirror: int, desired_errors: int = 0) -> bool:
      min_x = max(0, 2 * x_mirror - max_x)
      max_x = min(max_x, 2 * x_mirror)
      errors = 0
      for y in range(max_y):
        for x in range(min_x, x_mirror):
          mirrored = 2 * x_mirror - x - 1
          if (x, y) in pattern and (mirrored, y) not in pattern:
            errors += 1
          if (x, y) not in pattern and (mirrored, y) in pattern:
            errors += 1
          if errors > desired_errors:
            return False
      return errors == desired_errors
    def is_mirrored_y(pattern: set[tuple[int, int]], max_x: int, max_y: int,
                      y_mirror: int, desired_errors: int = 0) -> bool:
      min_y = max(0, 2 * y_mirror - max_y)
      max_y = min(max_y, 2 * y_mirror)
      errors = 0
      for x in range(max_x):
        for y in range(min_y, y_mirror):
          mirrored = 2 * y_mirror - y - 1
          if (x, y) in pattern and (x, mirrored) not in pattern:
            errors += 1
          if (x, y) not in pattern and (x, mirrored) in pattern:
            errors += 1
          if errors > desired_errors:
            return False
      return errors == desired_errors
    def find_mirror_axis(pattern: set[tuple[int, int]], max_x: int, max_y: int,
                         desired_errors: int = 0) -> tuple[None, int]|tuple[int, None]:
      for possible_x_mirror in range(1, max_x):
        if is_mirrored_x(pattern, max_x, max_y, possible_x_mirror, desired_errors):
          return possible_x_mirror, None
      for possible_y_mirror in range(1, max_y):
        if is_mirrored_y(pattern, max_x, max_y, possible_y_mirror, desired_errors):
          return None, possible_y_mirror
      raise RuntimeError('No mirror axis found')
    class Day13(Solver):
      def __init__(self):
        self.patterns: list[set[tuple[int, int]]] = []
        self.dimensions: list[tuple[int, int]] = []
      def presolve(self, input: str):
        patterns = input.rstrip().split('\n\n')
        for pattern in patterns:
          lines = pattern.splitlines()
          points: set[tuple[int, int]] = set()
          max_x = 0
          max_y = 0
          for y, line in enumerate(lines):
            max_y = max(max_y, y)
            for x, char in enumerate(line):
              max_x = max(max_x, x)
              if char == '#':
                points.add((x, y))
          self.dimensions.append((max_x + 1, max_y + 1))
      def solve_first_star(self) -> int:
        sum = 0
        for pattern, (max_x, max_y) in zip(self.patterns, self.dimensions, strict=True):
          mirror_x, mirror_y = find_mirror_axis(pattern, max_x, max_y)
          sum += (mirror_x or 0) + (mirror_y or 0) * 100
        return sum
      def solve_second_star(self) -> int:
        sum = 0
        for pattern, (max_x, max_y) in zip(self.patterns, self.dimensions, strict=True):
          mirror_x, mirror_y = find_mirror_axis(pattern, max_x, max_y, 1)
          sum += (mirror_x or 0) + (mirror_y or 0) * 100
        return sum
  • Leo
    10 months ago


    This was fun and (fairly) easy! Off-by-one errors are a likely source of bugs here.

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.List
    import Data.List.Split
    import Data.Maybe
    score d pat = ((100 *) <$> search pat) `mplus` search (transpose pat)
        search pat' = find ((d ==) . rdiff pat') [1 .. length pat' - 1]
        rdiff pat' i =
          let (a, b) = splitAt i pat'
           in length $ filter (uncurry (/=)) $ zip (concat $ reverse a) (concat b)
    main = do
      input <- splitOn [""] . lines <$> readFile "input13"
      let go d = print . sum . map (fromJust . score d) $ input
      go 0
      go 1

    Line-seconds score: 0.102 😉

    10 months ago

    I decided to use string comparison for some reason, which meant part two wasn't as quick as it would have been.

    use std::{cmp, fs, iter};
    fn transpose(rows: &[&str]) -> Vec {
            .map(|i| {
                let bytes: Vec<_> = (0..rows.len()).map(|j| rows[j].as_bytes()[i]).collect();
    fn reflection_value(rows: &[&str]) -> Option {
        'row_loop: for i in 0..(rows.len() - 1) {
            if rows[i] != rows[i + 1] {
            // we have an initial match
            let other_matches = cmp::min(i, rows.len() - 2 - i);
            for j in 1..=other_matches {
                if rows[i - j] != rows[i + 1 + j] {
                    continue 'row_loop;
            return Some(i as u32 + 1);
    fn summary(file_path: &str) -> u32 {
            .expect("Can't read input file")
            .map(|s| {
                let rows: Vec<&str> = s.split('\n').collect();
                if let Some(v) = reflection_value(&rows) {
                    v * 100
                } else {
                    let cols_owned: Vec = transpose(&rows);
                    let cols: Vec<&str> = cols_owned.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
                    reflection_value(&cols).expect("No reflections found")
    fn str_diff(str1: &str, str2: &str) -> u32 {
        iter::zip(str1.chars(), str2.chars())
            .map(|(s1, s2)| if s1 == s2 { 0 } else { 1 })
    fn smudged_reflection_value(rows: &[&str]) -> Option {
        for i in 0..(rows.len() - 1) {
            let num_cmps = cmp::min(i, rows.len() - 2 - i);
            let errs: u32 = (0..=num_cmps)
                .map(|j| str_diff(rows[i - j], rows[i + 1 + j]))
            if errs != 1 {
            return Some(i as u32 + 1);
    fn smudged_summary(file_path: &str) -> u32 {
            .expect("Can't read input file")
            .map(|s| {
                let rows: Vec<&str> = s.split('\n').collect();
                if let Some(v) = smudged_reflection_value(&rows) {
                    v * 100
                } else {
                    let cols_owned: Vec = transpose(&rows);
                    let cols: Vec<&str> = cols_owned.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
                    smudged_reflection_value(&cols).expect("No reflections found")
    fn main() {
        println!(" normal: {}", summary("d13/input.txt"));
        println!("smudged: {}", smudged_summary("d13/input.txt"));
    10 months ago


    Implementing part 1 with a bunch of for loops made me wonder about elegant NumPy solutions but then part 2 came along and it was a perfect fit! Just change a flag to a counter and remove the if-match-early-exit.

    int main()
    	static char g[32][32];
    	int p1=0,p2=0, w,h, x,y,i, nmis;
    	while (!feof(stdin)) {
    		for (h=0; ; h++) {
    			assert(h < (int)LEN(*g));
    			if (!fgets(g[h], LEN(*g), stdin)) break;
    			if (!g[h][0] || g[h][0]=='\n') break;
    		assert(h>0); w = strlen(g[0])-1;
    		for (x=1; x
    10 months ago


    // i is like
    //  # # # # #
    //   1 2 3 4
    def smudgesAround(i: Int, s: List[List[Char]]): Long =
        val toEdge = math.min(i, s.size - i)
        (0 until toEdge).map(e => s(i - e - 1).lazyZip(s(i + e)).count(_ != _)).sum
    def symmetries(g: List[List[Char]], smudges: Int) =
        val rows = (1 until g.size).filter(smudgesAround(_, g) == smudges)
        val g2 = g.transpose
        val cols = (1 until g2.size).filter(smudgesAround(_, g2) == smudges)
        100*rows.sum + cols.sum
    def task1(a: List[String]): Long = a.chunk(_ == "").map(g => symmetries(, 0)).sum
    def task2(a: List[String]): Long = a.chunk(_ == "").map(g => symmetries(, 1)).sum