School reopens Monday and there were 95,000 cases of kids getting covid just last week. The neoliberal ghouls are pretending everything is fine and kids can be 0 feet from eachother and making testing less accessible.
Meanwhile I have very elderly coworkers who will absolutely die if they get COVID and an electrical system at my janky ass school that is too shitty to run air purifiers without blowing a fuse.
My kids will get sick, my colleauges will get sick and I will get sick and infect my partner all because we apparently needed to have a fucking rager for the 4th of July for the economy to not shit out its lungs.
Fuck Amerika
To answer lots of comments
We have a union that is finally radicalizing from a service union as of three months ago. They are trying to get their shit together for this fight but we are also pretty weak from years of the bourgeoisie service union model’s inevitable low engagement.
I’m organizing my school site around reporting and trying to get us to all agree to wildcat incase she gets shoved under the rug but it is going to be tricky, lots of brand new teachers or close to retirement teachers, both groups with a lot to lose
at worst they could all come down with “covid like symptoms” no?