Hit my milestone of 100 pages and super jazzed about that! Not a traditional book or novel in that its a combination of a TTRPG and an anthology of short stories set in the various cities/towns/regions within the world of the TTRPG. Intent is to write these short stories and then have every character mentioned easy to recreate with the TTRPG mechanics and the settings referenced in the story all a part of the TTRPG
Hit my milestone of 100 pages and super jazzed about that! Not a traditional book or novel in that its a combination of a TTRPG and an anthology of short stories set in the various cities/towns/regions within the world of the TTRPG. Intent is to write these short stories and then have every character mentioned easy to recreate with the TTRPG mechanics and the settings referenced in the story all a part of the TTRPG