It is truly amazing how much the Soviet Union contributed to the liberation of humanity and beyond tragic how much we lost when it was destroyed...

    10 months ago

    It makes me so angry to think about. The words I have cease to be sufficient. Atrocity, crime, crime against humanity, none of them properly and fully convey the weight of the suffering and evil of what happened in the sphere of the rights of women and girls alone (to say nothing of the wider proletariat) in the aftermath of the illegal dissolution of the USSR.

    I think Bill Clinton should replace Kissinger now that he's dead on our list of people we hope suffer. Given the amount of human misery he presided over, given the fact he is a pedophile child rapist and trafficker.

    10 months ago

    The initial book that radicalized me as a early teenager was reading Victor Malarek's "The Natashas: Inside the New Global Sex Trade" precisely on the massive wave of human trafficking that arose from the former USSR and Eastern Europe through the economic genocide enacted on the former Socialist peoples.

    The work was such a categorical denunciation of the living conditions of that region since the 90s, not through any ideologically-inclined argument but through its coverage of this atrocity that it was impossible for me to ever accept afterwards that the collapse of the "enemy" system was a "good thing" worth celebrating. At that point, it didn't matter how many redditors came up to me with their "my friend's neighbor's grand-uncle had a bad time under communism" bit and the libertarian emphasis on legalizing the sex trade alienated me at a fundamental level from those groups as well, even before I remotely touched any theory or met any comrade groups.

    10 months ago

    Muh comunis 😩 /s Just skimmed, looks like a solid piece of work and creates strong but noble emotions. Why such articles are not in mainstream ☹️

      10 months ago

      Why such articles are not in mainstream

      Because we are never allowed to see communism in a good light and its abolition as a bad thing.

        10 months ago

        I was born in such circumstances, with at least one my parent being strongly against communism, there are no communist media in Poland, and popularization of communism is forbidden by law. We have street names and roundabouts named after Reagan and Thatcher. It takes a long way, if ever, to reach a critical reflection about it. US propaganda is disgusting, I am so happy that 80's and 90's are gone, and US now is less able to cover injustice and contradictions of their system, and I hope we are all going into a better future.