Personally, I am trying to read 15 books this year and mix in more non-fiction books.

    10 months ago

    I never set any book reading goals with respect to number of books to read. My goal is always to enjoy reading the books as much as possible. Number of books read is of no consequence to me.

    9 months ago

    This is the first year where I've decided not to have any reading goals. It isn't work, it's pleasure. I don't have video game goals, or cloud watching goals, so why book goals? This year, I will read when I feel like reading!

    10 months ago

    I've fallen off with reading much of this year (life has been so hectic), so I'd like to make a manageable goal of finishing a book every other month next year. Even if it's just a novella, it would be nice to get back into it.

    10 months ago

    There are years when I have read upwards of 60 books and others when I have scarcely read 6. It depends heavily on what else is going on. I don't do numerical goals and never have.

    For the last few years, however, no matter how many others I read, I have had a 'big read' of some kind spread across the year: War and Peace first - since it has 365 chapters in total, then In Search of Lost Time, and this year Finnegans Wake - which I was reading with a group which scheduled in some 'summing up time' at the end so I have finished it already. In 2024 I have decided that it will be The Romance of the Three Kingdoms: so completing that is my goal.

    10 months ago

    I hit 28 books this year and am trying for 30. All pleasure reading for what suits my fancy at the time. Been trying to read all the walter isaacson books. One serious boo and two/three fun.

    I think 30-32 is my limit though else i wont get other stuff done

    10 months ago

    I'd like to read more physical books (rather than my current ebooks and audiobooks) and spend more time in libraries next year. Maybe make myself a nice comfy reading spot at home. My living situation has made it difficult - it's not convenient to go to libraries, I have no where to store books I buy and I'm so desperate for space I only really have my bed for anywhere comfortable - but I'm hoping to move soon.

    Don't really care about the number of them.