Day 17: Clumsy Crucible

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    7 months ago


    Learning about scala-graph yesterday seems to have paid off already. This explicitly constructs the entire graph of allowed moves, and then uses a naive dijkstra run. This works, and I don't have to write a lot of code, but it is fairly inefficient.

    import day10._
    import day10.Dir._
    import day11.Grid
    // standing on cell p, having entered from d
    case class Node(p: Pos, d: Dir)
    def connect(p: Pos, d: Dir, g: Grid[Int], dists: Range) = 
        val from = Seq(-1, 1).map(i => Dir.from(d.n + i)).map(Node(p, _))
        val ends = List.iterate(p, dists.last + 1)(walk(_, d)).filter(g.inBounds)
        val costs = ends.drop(1).scanLeft(0)(_ + g(_))
        from.flatMap(f =>, c) => WDiEdge(f, Node(dest, d), c)))
    def parseGrid(a: List[List[Char]], dists: Range) =
        val g = Grid(
        Graph() ++ g.indices.flatMap(p => Dir.all.flatMap(d => connect(p, d, g, dists)))
    def compute(a: List[String], dists: Range): Long =
        val g = parseGrid(, dists)
        val source = Node(Pos(-1, -1), Right)
        val sink = Node(Pos(-2, -2), Right)
        val start = Seq(Down, Right).map(d => Node(Pos(0, 0), d)).map(WDiEdge(source, _, 0))
        val end = Seq(Down, Right).map(d => Node(Pos(a(0).size - 1, a.size - 1), d)).map(WDiEdge(_, sink, 0))
        val g2 = g ++ start ++ end
    def task1(a: List[String]): Long = compute(a, 1 to 3)
    def task2(a: List[String]): Long = compute(a, 4 to 10)
    7 months ago


    Also on Github

    749 line-seconds

    import collections
    import dataclasses
    import heapq
    import numpy as np
    from .solver import Solver
    class QueueEntry:
      price: int
      x: int
      y: int
      momentum_x: int
      momentum_y: int
      deleted: bool
    class Day17(Solver):
      lines: list[str]
      sx: int
      sy: int
      lower_bounds: np.ndarray
      def __init__(self):
      def presolve(self, input: str):
        self.lines = input.splitlines() = len(self.lines[0]) = len(self.lines)
        start = ( - 1, - 1)
        self.lower_bounds = np.zeros((, + np.inf
        self.lower_bounds[start] = 0
        queue: list[QueueEntry] = [QueueEntry(0, - 1, - 1, 0, 0, False)]
        queue_entries: dict[tuple[int, int], QueueEntry] = {start: queue[0]}
        while queue:
          cur_price, x, y, _, _, deleted = dataclasses.astuple(heapq.heappop(queue))
          if deleted:
          del queue_entries[(x, y)]
          self.lower_bounds[x, y] = cur_price
          price = cur_price + int(self.lines[y][x])
          for dx, dy in ((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)):
            nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
            if not (0 <= nx < or not (0 <= ny <
            if price < self.lower_bounds[nx, ny]:
              self.lower_bounds[nx, ny] = price
              if (nx, ny) in queue_entries:
                queue_entries[(nx, ny)].deleted = True
              queue_entries[(nx, ny)] = QueueEntry(price, nx, ny, 0, 0, False)
              heapq.heappush(queue, queue_entries[(nx, ny)])
      def _solve(self, maximum_run: int, minimum_run_to_turn: int):
        came_from: dict[tuple[int, int, int, int], tuple[int, int, int, int]] = {}
        start = (0, 0, 0, 0)
        queue: list[QueueEntry] = [QueueEntry(self.lower_bounds[0, 0], *start, False)]
        queue_entries: dict[tuple[int, int, int, int], QueueEntry] = {start: queue[0]}
        route: list[tuple[int, int]] = []
        prices: dict[tuple[int, int, int, int], float] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: np.inf)
        prices[start] = 0
        while queue:
          _, current_x, current_y, momentum_x, momentum_y, deleted = dataclasses.astuple(heapq.heappop(queue))
          cur_price = prices[(current_x, current_y, momentum_x, momentum_y)]
          if deleted:
          if ((current_x, current_y) == ( - 1, - 1) and
              (momentum_x >= minimum_run_to_turn or momentum_y >= minimum_run_to_turn)):
            previous = came_from.get((current_x, current_y, momentum_x, momentum_y))
            route.append((current_x, current_y))
            while previous:
              x, y, *_ = previous
              if x != 0 or y != 0:
                route.append((x, y))
              previous = came_from.get(previous)
          for dx, dy in ((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)):
            dot_product = dx * momentum_x + dy * momentum_y
            if dot_product < 0 or dot_product >= maximum_run:
            if ((momentum_x or momentum_y) and dot_product == 0 and
                abs(momentum_x) < minimum_run_to_turn and abs(momentum_y) < minimum_run_to_turn):
            new_x, new_y = current_x + dx, current_y + dy
            if not (0 <= new_x < or not (0 <= new_y <
            new_momentum_x, new_momentum_y = (dx, dy) if dot_product == 0 else (momentum_x + dx, momentum_y + dy)
            new_position = (new_x, new_y, new_momentum_x, new_momentum_y)
            potential_new_price = cur_price + int(self.lines[new_y][new_x])
            if potential_new_price < prices[new_position]:
              queue_entry = queue_entries.get(new_position)
              if queue_entry:
                queue_entry.deleted = True
              queue_entries[new_position] = QueueEntry(potential_new_price + self.lower_bounds[new_x, new_y],
                                                       *new_position, False)
              came_from[new_position] = (current_x, current_y, momentum_x, momentum_y)
              prices[new_position] = potential_new_price
              heapq.heappush(queue, queue_entries[new_position])
        return sum(int(self.lines[y][x]) for x, y in route)
      def solve_first_star(self) -> int:
        return self._solve(3, 0)
      def solve_second_star(self) -> int:
        return self._solve(10, 4)
  • Leo
    7 months ago


    Wowee, I took some wrong turns solving today's puzzle! After fixing some really inefficient pruning I ended up with a Dijkstra search that runs in 2.971s (for a less-than-impressive 124.782 l-s).

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
    import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as Array
    import Data.Char
    import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
    import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as PQ
    readInput :: String -> UArray (Int, Int) Int
    readInput s =
      let rows = lines s
       in Array.amap digitToInt
            . Array.listArray ((1, 1), (length rows, length $ head rows))
            $ concat rows
    walk :: (Int, Int) -> UArray (Int, Int) Int -> Int
    walk (minStraight, maxStraight) grid = go Set.empty initPaths
        initPaths = PQ.fromList [(0, ((1, 1), (d, 0))) | d <- [(0, 1), (1, 0)]]
        goal = snd $ Array.bounds grid
        go done paths =
          case PQ.minViewWithKey paths of
            Nothing -> error "no route"
            Just ((n, (p@(y, x), hist@((dy, dx), k))), rest)
              | p == goal && k >= minStraight -> n
              | (p, hist) `Set.member` done -> go done rest
              | otherwise ->
                  let next = do
                        h'@((dy', dx'), _) <-
                            [ guard (k >= minStraight) >> [((dx, dy), 1), ((-dx, -dy), 1)],
                              guard (k < maxStraight) >> [((dy, dx), k + 1)]
                        let p' = (y + dy', x + dx')
                        guard $ Array.inRange (Array.bounds grid) p'
                        return (n + grid Array.! p', (p', h'))
                   in go (Set.insert (p, hist) done) $
                        (PQ.union rest . PQ.fromList) next
    main = do
      input <- readInput <$> readFile "input17"
      print $ walk (0, 3) input
      print $ walk (4, 10) input

    (edited for readability)

    7 months ago


    Very not pretty and not efficient. Using what I think is dynamic programming - essentially I just propagate cost total through a (x, y, heading, steps in heading) state space, so every cell in that N-dimensional array holds the minimum total cost known to get to that state which is updated iteratively from the neighbours until it settles down.

    Debugging was annoying because terminals aren't great at showing 4D grids. My mistakes were in the initial situation and missing the "4 steps to come to a stop at the end" aspect in part 2.