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Took part in an RGS and the head people all push that Maoism is scientifically the best form of Communism. Can anyone explain this view? Also, the group seems to want everyone to hold this view. Isn't splitting into sub-ideologies hurting the potential for a larger movement?

-a confused newbie.

    9 months ago

    What do you mean by the "best" form of communism? "Best" in what way? In terms of how it complies to a set of principles you hold, such as justice and equality?

    The only standard we have as communists for what is "better" is in relation to how something increases the power of the proletariat. The theses of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism surround the strategy of the achievement and strengthening of the proletarian state. Maoists believe that Cultural Revolution is necessary in order to combat the new bourgeoisie within the socialist society, that an understanding of principal, fundamental, and antagonistic contradictions is necessary in order to understand the world, that an understanding of the comprador bourgeoisie and neo-colonialism is necessary to grasp the conditions of the oppressed nations under imperialism. These are claims which are derived from practice, testable, and scientific. Maoists believe that Maoism is the most advanced proletarian science, not that it is the "best form of communism"