Noticing some federation issues with for example. Investigating...

Update: supposedly, there is a fix for the 0.19 federation issues we're currently experiencing in a new RC image. I'll try upgrading later today.

    10 months ago

    Sorry, I can't find the thread about the update so posting here as next best place: after the 0.19 update I have to relogin every time I restart my browser. I don't delete cookies or sessions on close, so this is not the expected behavior. It's only mildly inconvenient, not a huge deal but I thought I'd report it

    9 months ago, sorry, but it looks like is still having federation issues. As of today...

    ...the pages aren't identical; the page is missing I know federation isn't immediate but this is almost five hours later and I suspect that "mirroring" isn't going to happen (yet again).