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Idk, something chill like Hakim Shaoqi... or Mikhail Sorensen

Each in different scripts (arabic et chinese) or (Cyrlic and Roman)

Eg. 少奇 حكيم (for completely foreign name) or Михаил Sörensen

    6 months ago

    Teacher: ...uhhh...

    少奇 حكيم : Yep, I'm here.

    Teacher: Got you. Where is that from?

    少奇 حكيم : ...uhhh...

    Teacher: Got it. Is Ashley Berkenstein here?

    6 months ago

    If it's your culture? Absolutely go for it. Not about to tell someone from another culture what they should or shouldn't name their kid, and it they get bullied then it's something you can take up with the school.

    If it's not your culture, then it's a weird mix of "we're just so random" parenting that is going to set them up for a lifetime of ridicule, which in the end is selfish because you're not really thinking about how that will affect them. Imagine introducing yourself as Mohammed to your new Arabic boss, when you have zero ties to that culture or the importance to that name.

    6 months ago

    Sure, if you want your child to hate you until they are old enough to petition for a change of name.

    6 months ago

    Since when exactly do we give people names in a script? That's not how that works..

    6 months ago

    Why ? What's wrong with using Latin letters ? Calling your child with the name of a character from a "current popular media" isn't new, which may includes foreign names or outright made up. For exemple : A lot of people called their children Daenerys based on the character from game of thrones or the Turkish name Eren from the character on attack on titans. Using a combo of scripts almost nobody can read is meaningless.