My parents are celebrating their anniversary out of town, so I wanted to leave them some prepared or mostly prepared food for them when they get back, as I won't be there. Please recommend me a simple (hot) recepie that can either be cooked from frozen or will be okay to sit a few days in the fridge.

  • stuffdobehappening [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Something that doesn't take much effort to cook. Anything you can get in a standard american grocery.

    • comi [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Hmm. You can make crumpets, take

      2 eggs

      Add 2 teaspoons of sugar

      Mix them together

      Add 1 cup (200 ml) of milk with half teaspoon of vinegar

      1/4 tea spoon of salt

      1/2 tea spoon of baking soda

      Mix them all together (<-check taste here, in case baking soda or vinegar was too strong, it should be very-very mild taste)

      Sorta hand adjusted amount of flour (round 6 table spoons), so that it would kinda be like honey in or jam in consistency, add around 4 mixing it, and then add last two looking at texture

      Heat up the pan with a little oil, and put a table spoon of dough and turn it over when it gets brown-ey (around 1-2 minutes). Heat should be mild, so they would cook inside.

      Can make 2 times smaller trial run as well