Wage cuts are off the table finally, I think UNA (the nurses union) was threatening some job action and the UPC got spooked.

Also, the Great Resignation of nurses is really starting to fuck over AHS (Alberta's public healthcare system) and they're not able to get any nurses to come back, either. No one wants to jump in when they hear the pay is getting cut during the worst health crisis of the century so far, no one wants to stay after 18 months of shit work and forced overtime and a government that keeps pushing people back into risking their lives so restauranteurs can make some profit again.

It'd be cool if UNA or just members just did a wildcat strike and walked off for a week for better conditions instead of quitting - but, they're doing what makes sense I'm assuming.

  • 01100011101001111100 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Also, the great financial conservative Kenney after handing out billions to oil companies in the form of loan guarantees (contingent on Trump winning the election, essentially) is making the fiscally conservative decision to pay ~$80/hr for travel/contract nurses will regular RNs are earning about ~$50/hr. No reflection is done in thinking about paying RNs more right now, apparently this is the most fiscally responsible thing you can do. Just like when he cut the wildfire lookout budget for this summer, no one knew about High Prairie's fires so they just didn't count and got overshadowed by the absolute hellstorm west of the Rockies anyway.