• melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    7 months ago

    It could be due to bad asthma thunderstorms, which have been happening recently. Might want to get yourself a ventolin puffer just in case

    • tone212_@aussie.zone
      7 months ago

      Doc prescribed me both a preventative puffer to take for the next couple weeks and the normal blue one. I just had the blue puffer earlier and I feel like I can breathe again! And barely any cough. I didn’t realise how constricted my breathing was until now.

      Hoping this is seasonal and will be gone once pollen season is over 🤞

      • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
        7 months ago

        I hope so too, my cat has asthma attacks and allergies plus I've been having a bit of it as well.

        Wearing masks can apparently help filter out some of the pollen which helps. I've been keeping a door cracked (screen locked) for fresh air but may need to stop doing that. And will have to check if aircons pulling in pollen from outside is a myth

        Edit: https://www.yourch.org.au/thunderstorm-asthma/

        Ah so they can ಠ_ಠ