I have heard that they do more than many ML parties that just end up doing bureaucratic paperwork or selling out to liberal parties. Is that true?

  • BenEarlDaMarxist@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Anarchists in a general sense to me seem to be individualistic idealists that tend to be well-meaning but don't really do much shit on a macro scale, micro's fine but that's it really, that and they tend to be used by Amurikan three-letter agencies against socialist movements

    When they're ancoms, they tend to be like, a mix of what I described anarchists in a general snese and Marxists who haven't read Lenin or Engles or what not, they tend to be sympathetic to commies and/or AES states usually and can be convinced to be MLs. They tend to be cool, but not practical enough to affect shit in the grand scheme of things.

    Ancaps, on the hand. Are just fucking- why? They're a walking contradiction, at least with ancoms, I can see some sort of coherency there (despite being just commies who want to skip the socialist stage in economic production). Ancaps meanwhile, want a stateless society, with an economic system that produces hierarchy with the trademark sticker on it- what. Tldr: They tend to be uncool.