I know....

it's not something looked well on by many, but discussing the 4+ trillion dollar wealth transfer from the working class to the elites fits better in a place like this than among the NoNewNormal chuds and the far-right garbage spaces they went off to. It needs a home, and it'd be a better home among leftists.

  • comi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Each year this transfer happens, it’s not related to lockdowns

    • Echoes [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      It's literally the largest in recorded history.


  • Saint [he/him]
    3 years ago

    You couldn't be bothered to make even a single comment before this obvious wrecking attempt?

    • Echoes [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Hey friend, let's bring all of our illegal drugs and unregistered weapons together and talk about it. Meet me at my house, 1880 2nd Street SW Washington, DC 20024

      Do not be alarmed by any large pizza delivery and house painting vehicles nearby

        • Echoes [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          Hey, I really appreciate you being willing to engage genuinely on this extremely sensitive and tribalizing issue.

          Hopefully you can understand that those of us going against the narrative care quite deeply about lives lost and destroyed as well, we just believe different solutions will cause less of them.

          While I agree that Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie will pretty much always skew literally anything towards a godawful outcome, these are quite obviously circumstances above and beyond what anyone could consider its typical operation and a great acceleration of class exploitation as a result.

          Lockdowns or not seem to have largely been unrelated at best to the success of a country in handling this issue, based on outcomes. Despite the best efforts to manufacture consent, there is a lot of legitimate data that goes against the narratives here. Scientific consensus exists in very few spaces as thoroughly as it does for something like climate change.

          I don't think ~12k deaths was ever really a realistic option, nor that being even more authoritarian would have done all that much positive for the numbers, but we agree that it's very significant who are and aren't most affected by it. The work-from-home class can sit comfortably and make as many demands as they want while forcing everyone else to bear the brunt of it and occasionally die for them. It's the met gala where the servants were the only ones wearing any masks in macro.

          I'm not really an ideal representative of these beliefs and I wish I could quote the statistics in better and more relevant ways, but I do think these are valuable discussions to be having all the same.

  • carbohydra [des/pair]
    3 years ago

    Why would the capitalists want their workforce to die? Because they are mustache twirling disney villains? Globalists? Jews? Sometimes, and I stress, sometimes, our material interests are aligned.