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    • account346533 [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I get what you're saying and there's definitely some truth to that. I think most of the issues with education in totally are kinda summed by the computer issues. This is just a symptom of a big problem. Most of the issues in education, for the most part and in my experience, come down to education education being nearly completely hearsay and there isn't nearly the amount of rigorous scientific research done in teaching to actually take us from the classical passing on of knowledge to a genuine education system. That's where, in this theory, the idea of "it depends on the teacher" gets explained. Personally, I see it less as the teacher and more about their mannerisms and care for education. The best teachers I have tend to be the ones who are the most invested in being educators first and their love of the content comes second. Most of those teachers will go out of their way to learn about new instruction methods and will actively do comparisons of methodologies. Some teachers aren't great teachers, but you remember what they say in class. I think a lot of this comes down to how the teacher acts. eg my math teacher will make dumb jokes and things, but they will be repetitive jokes which call back to earlier content, thereby increasing your retention of the content.

      tl:dr education really needs a lot more money and rigor in its theories and studies so that actual knowledge can be built instead of passing around of rumors.

      A lot of the anti-computer thing imo is a result of 1) computers being ever-present in our lives and 2) the evil that's been enacted using computers.