I see people here all the time telling people to read theory and shit, so I do

Yeah lots of philosophers are "smart people" because they seem to pen a lot more introspective and interesting ideas than most other writers but basically everything I read always ended in some self circular argument rooted in biases and assumptions that just seems like nonsense that someone came up with to beat back the crushing existential fear they felt as they grew older and just buried it in 1000 page long rants that if you happen think are like the ravings of a madman you just aren't "smart" enough to get it

Seriously, dialectics is a bunch of white gibberish, just masturbating words to sound smart because none of the poors who might have a different perspective and more grounded ideas were born into the right family to be able to have an education to tell you why you are a pedantic insufferable asshole

  • OllieMendes [he/him,any]
    3 years ago

    Dialectics does give me an existential kind of fear like, I'm not smarter than other people, my material conditions led me to my conclusions. But then my brain gets into a loop where I realize that I can't convince anyone, that people will only be convinced when their material conditions force them to, and that might not happen in this country until after I'm dead, so I just curl up in the fetal position thinking about how I was born a hundred years too early to see any kind of real change, and the one country I do see any kind of real change gets shit on by even the most apolitical dweeb here so I've got no one IRL to talk to about basic as shit but I can't even make myself feel better by calling them stupid because it's really just my material conditions that led me to my conc- :agony-soviet: