It’s so stupid I wonder if they’re not lying.

After the October loss, the Joint Chiefs began an overhaul and shifted toward a new concept they call “Expanded Maneuver.” Hyten wants the U.S. military to be ready to fight under this overhauled Joint Warfighting Concept by 2030, using many of today’s weapons, aircraft, and ships.

Earlier this month, Hyten released four directives to the services: one each for contested logistics; joint fires; Joint All-Domain Command and Control, or JADC2; and information advantage. On Monday, he revealed new details about these “functional battles.”

Contested logistics. Creating new ways to deliver fuel and supplies to front lines. U.S. Transportation Command and the Air Force are working on using rockets and a space trajectory to get large cargo spaceships into and out of battlefields.

So basicaly they want to have supply delivered to the frontline by reusable rockets. From the weight issues typical with space flight to how hard and expencive to produce even one of these, any amateur space geek can see why this is stupid. I guess the envisioned rocket for the job is the spaceship of Space x? Did the fucking pentagon drink the Musk coolaid?

Joint fires: “You have to aggregate to mass fires, but it doesn't have to be a physical aggregation,” Hyten said. “It could be a virtual aggregation for multiple domains; acting at the same time under a single command structure allows the fires to come in on anybody. It allows you to disaggregate to survive.” Hyten said the joint fires concept “is aspirational. It is unbelievably difficult to do.” And the military will have to figure out what part will be affordable and practical, he said.

So basicaly, they are sitting ducks to next gen artillery when they park a bunch of ships together a few kms from the coast to strike the land at a distance like they have been doing for decade and their solution to that is to stop parking a bunch of ships together. I like how this one is just « If lose when group then no lose when no group » but they talk about it like it’s an amaizing idea and then admit they have no concrete plan how they would do it.

JADC2: The Pentagon’s push to connect everything demands always-on, hackerproof networks, Hyten said. “The goal is to be fully connected to a combat cloud that has all information that you can access at any time, anyplace,” so that, like with joint fires, the data doesn’t get exposed or hacked because it’s housed in one centralized location, he said.

So decentralizing data storage so that even if they get hacked the hackers won’t have access to everything and only a limited amount of data will fall to enemy hands. Make sense but. That sound… basic… No? I don’t know much about computer science or military strategy but that sound like something that a principled army would have put in place like 20 years ago. Am I crazy?

Information advantage: This element is the sum of the first three, Hyten said: “If we can do the things I just described, the United States and our allies will have an information advantage over anybody that we could possibly face.”

Ok, I need someone who know strategy to enlighten me here. What is bro yapping about? Appart from maybe the JADC2 thing I don’t see how any of that would give them an informational advantage. Am I wrong?

What do you think comrades?