• ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    The Monkey Paw Curls….

    “Ireland is seized and incorporated into the Northern Ireland territory as national territory administered by the UK. Ending the country’s independence permanently.”

    • CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      In Star Trek, the Federation has a ship named the USS Tian An Men, "in honor of those who lost their lives during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 in Beijing, China", to directly quote the wiki about it. People like to say Star Trek is a socialist setting, but imo as the series developed, they tried really hard to get away from that and create more of a socdem "utopia" - and wound up biting themselves in the ass in the process, as they started making the setting almost fatalistic due to disillusionment with the liberal West (Piccard is a rather dark, defeatist spin on the Federation and a far-cry from what it was in TOS or the early seasons of TNG).

      All of this to say that it would not surprise me if the writers envisioned some peaceful, liberal reunification that would - materially - amount to England dominating the whole island.

      • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
        6 months ago


        The ship is named after the PLA soldiers and Iron Bowl workers massacred during the protests. I know that wasn’t probably the aim, but still.

        Also I wouldn’t say that a single ship name is indicative of the entire franchise. It was worked on by thousands of people, and even if they were all diehard leftists, cohesion would be extremely hard to maintain.

        Plus I don’t care if it’s Soccdem, if we can get to the Star Trek Federation level of society. I will take that in a heartbeat over the current powers that rule the world today. Though I wouldn’t even say that it’s entirely soccdem, for example the series pushes hard on the “no money” aspect, which would be strange for a soccdem to focus on, but an integral part of communism. They even dunk on capitalists with that one episode where they revive the businessman and dunk on him because the stock market ceased to exist several hundred years ago.

        • CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml
          6 months ago

          Having watched most of the series, there's a tonal shift from the earlier material into late TNG. And I'd rather take the Federation over what we've got happening now, too. Just pointing out the show's writers aren't necessarily Marxists just because they dunk on capitalism and want a moneyless society.

          • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
            6 months ago

            You’re definitely right with everything. Only thing I can add is that the show was probably forced to be “sanitized” due to gaining popularity.

            But you are right with your conclusion.

        • CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml
          6 months ago

          Depends on what you're remembering. Are you remembering the myth we're taught about unarmed, freedom-loving student protesters being violently butchered in the Square, run over by tanks under the orders of evil communists? Or are you remembering the reality of a failed CIA color revolution led by a liberal minority trying to hijack protests with the intent of causing a bloodbath to try and destabilize the government?

          Star Trek's inclusion of the ship was stated to support the former, the idea that the "Massacre" happened as taught in the West. It's not very compatible with socialism to buy into propaganda demonizing socialist countries. Recognizing genuine failures, setbacks, mistakes - sure - but not false narratives intended to drive public opinion against socialism.

  • albigu@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    To answer the question, it'd great both for knocking the Brits down a peg, weakening the unionist hold on the rest of the country (like say Scotland) and extending national self-determination to Ireland, but also because it'd reopen the question of self-determination in the EU and expose their hypocrisy towards minority nationalist movements in Europe and anti-imperialist nationalist movements abroad.

    But I also want to note that in that clip, he cites the unification specifically as an instance of successful terrorist campaigns. Although the NI assembly has been vacant since Feb 2022 due to Unionist tantrums, I don't think the Republicans are under conditions to speedrun the formation of a new Provisional IRA, a Brighton Hotel event on Sunak/Starmer and getting lucky once, and unifying the whole country. But that would be a very interesting speedrun to watch.

    • Saeculum [he/him, comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      speedrun the formation of a new Provisional IRA, a Brighton Hotel event on Sunak/Starmer and getting lucky once, and unifying the whole country.

      As a speedrun, I don't think that would be faster than just holding a referendum, if the northern Irish do actually want to reunite.

  • LarkinDePark@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Hard to see a downside really. There's still a holdout cohort of supremacists who'd been certified white in times past and they have a hard time letting go of their control. But young people don't go in for their hate marches so much anymore and it's become impossible to justify their hate and explain their history.

    Some of those former terrorist groups that are now largely drug gangs might cause some trouble but it will never go back to what as bad as it was.