Let's share the worst things we've had to endure as employees. I'll go first:

Teenage, food service, pizza. The AC breaks in the middle of a California summer, easily 110°f outside, 115°f inside the store (verified), with 500°f open-ended ovens running nonstop. Then the makeline which holds ingredients breaks. The cheese melts into clumps. We stay open, business as usual. Also, no breaks, ever. Pay: $8.50/hr.

Adult, teaching, high school. No in-class heat for four years. School provides one basic 11" fan heater used to warm small bedrooms. My class ceilings are at least 12ft with tons of windows. I developed a routine of showing up an hour early, turning on the collection of heaters I'd acquired (including several from home), and get the room up to a sweltering 62°f by first period. I also figured out which electrical items can be plugged into which outlets and how to reset the fuse panel on a moments notice. I have photos of my students huddled around an oil-radiator with their hands out, eager for even a semblance of heat.

Your turn:

  • twitter [any]
    3 years ago

    Andropausal boomer threatened to "kick my ass" because he "didn't like my tone" (I wasn't even serving or interacting with him, he just singled me out for some reason, probably out of some weird alpha male brainworms) and instead of kicking him out for threatening staff or standing up to him in any way, management apologized for me ruining his dining experience (even though it was never explained what I was even doing) and comped his meal.

    I was just a scared teenager at the time, in hindsight I should've 1) told him to step outside, and 2) quit immediately afterwards

    *Another one was getting jumped and chased by 4-5 guys because our employee entrance was in a back alley that always filled up with sketchy and dangerous people after the late night bar rush. Despite all the muggings and fights that happened back there, management did not give a shit about their laborers getting beaten up and was like, "Oh, if you feel threatened just have another staff member walk with you when you leave. Use the front entrance? Don't be silly, we can't let our valued customers see you people coming and going, they find the sight of you distasteful."

    • LangdonAlger [any]
      3 years ago

      Smash the glass coffee pot over his head and while he's sitting there bleeding, burning, and wheezing out painful gibberish, be like "sir, I don't like your tone. But don't worry, that coffee's on the house"