slowly radicalizing me and I don't like it


Can't wait for all my leftist friends that I managed to convince electoralism works rubberband back into tankies bc moderates are massive bitches


this is literally half my friend group rn and I'm running out of counters


  • Multihedra [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Whenever articles are written, whenever political speeches are given, or whenever analyses are made about a situation, it is assumed that certain people of one group, either the left or the right, the rich or the poor, the whites or the blacks, are causing polarization. The fact is that conditions cause polarization, and that certain people can act as catalysts to speed up the polarization; for example, Rap Brown or Huey Newton can be a catalyst for speeding up the polarization of blacks against whites in the United States, but the conditions are already there. George Wallace can speed up the polarization of whites against blacks in America, but again, the conditions are already there.

    Kwame Ture, The Pitfalls of Liberalism, 1969

    Lots of insight to be reflected upon from this speech! In this particular case, I think it has a lot of explanatory insight into “I’m being radicalized and I don’t like it”.

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      This is a good way of explaining how individuals matter without falling into Great Man Theory.

    • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I can relate to that, that crawling sense of "things really can't go on like this, can they?" is really uncomfortable after a lifetime of having Acceptable Positions beaten into your head. And obviously individual events would trigger that feeling, but overall it didn't feel like it was due to any one person or group, just a little too much of everything being insane at the same time.